As a congregation, each year we support ten different mission organisations in the spreading of the Gospel to people near and far.

Members of the congregation support this cause through giving monthly offerings. We budget accordingly, and send each organisation a cheque for a sum of money which is agreed by our Congregational Committee.

For a list of our current Mission partners, please click on the appropriate links above.


We currently support the following Overseas Mission Organisations:

OMF International
The Florence Project
Mission Aviation Fellowship
United For Mission (UFM)


We currently support the following Home Mission Organisations:

Donabate Presbyterian Church
Dublin Christian Mission
Scripture Union Northern Ireland
Presbyterian Children's Society
Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
Mission Partners Prayer Cycle
The Prayer Cycle is a 6-day 10-week cycle for use from January to April 2025. We hope this will help us to pray each week for one of the missions we support. After 10 weeks please continue to use the cycle to pray for missions of your choice.
We have also included previous cycles for your information - see below.
Below, you will find an
'Introduction to our Prayer Partners' leaflet. Please use this to familiarize yourself with the aims and objectives of each Mission society we support.

To download your copy, simply click the buttons below.

Please use this valuable resource when praying for our Mission Partners.
Thank you.


The mission statement of our Congregation is:

This Mission Statement includes five central things:

• who we are - Harryville Presbyterian Church;
• what we aim to do - worship God and reach Harryville and the world for Christ;
• where we do these things - our local area and the whole world;
• how these things will be achieved - by Christians being equipped;
• why we aim to do these things - for the glory of God in Christ.

These are our Congregational core principles (things we think are pretty important)

1. Committed to the Gospel of God’s saving grace in Christ
We are a Reformed and Evangelical Congregation freely accepting the Bible’s teaching that we are sinners and alienated from God. The only basis upon which we can be declared right with Him is upon the basis of what He Himself has done for us in the Gospel of His Son. In all that we do, this Gospel must be at the centre. In all we do our core responsibility is to publish this message.

2. Grateful for the past; confident about the future; excited about the present
Our Congregation is over one hundred years old. We are grateful for the many faithful people who have served the Lord in our district and who have handed down a wonderful legacy. As we look to the future we know that the same faithful God they served remains faithful to us. We are confident that in days to come the Lord has wonderful purposes for our Congregation. In all we do we are mindful that the Gospel is the power of God to save.

3. Eager to warmly and lovingly welcome all
Just as God the Father has welcomed us in His Son Jesus Christ so too we have a responsibility to welcome others. If we claim to have experienced the welcome of the Gospel then the welcome we extend to others must be genuine and heart-felt. The quality of that welcome is really a measure of our own experience of the Gospel.

4. Moving to a “come with us” mindset
The Gospel demands that we change from being a Congregation of comers to a Congregation of bringers. The traditional approach to evangelism is “come to us” - the Congregation organises activities and people come to these as they choose. We must move from this to a “come with us” mindset. Every Christian in our fellowship must see that they have a personal responsibility to move out to where others are and lovingly engage with them, bringing them along to a fuller commitment.

5. Growing in dependence upon the Lord
Amongst us there must be a fresh commitment to prayer. The Gospel is a Gospel of grace - God saves and we cannot. Therefore we are utterly dependent upon Him to move in our lives and in the lives of others. If we genuinely believe this then it will show itself in a renewed commitment to prayer in our individual lives and in our life as a fellowship.